Pre-Shipment Inspection

What is Pre-Shipment Inspection?

Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) is a quality control process conducted before goods are shipped to verify that they meet specified standards and requirements. It involves checking product specifications, quantity, packaging, labeling, and overall quality. PSI ensures that products conform to contractual agreements and international standards, reducing the risk of receiving defective or non-compliant goods. This inspection helps buyers confirm that their orders are correct and meet their expectations, thereby minimizing disputes and ensuring smooth transactions.

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What is Advantages of Pre-Shipment Inspection?

Pre-shipment inspection (PSI) offers several advantages. It ensures product quality by verifying compliance with specifications and standards, reducing the risk of defects. PSI helps minimize costs associated with returns and repairs and builds customer confidence by delivering high-quality products. It also enhances supply chain efficiency, reduces legal risks, and provides detailed inspection reports for informed decision-making. By fostering better supplier relationships, PSI contributes to long-term reliability and accountability.

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Why Choose Us

Quick Reply
5 minitues get reply from our inspectors
Rapid Reporting
24 hours to get the inspection report
Lower Price
120$/MD for inspection everywhere in China
Senior Inspectors
500+full time senior inspectors in China
Industry Experts
Experienced inspectors in different industries
  • Step 1: Inspection Scheduling and Planning

    The first step in pre-shipment inspection (PSI) involves scheduling and planning. This includes selecting an independent inspection agency, agreeing on the inspection criteria, and setting a timeline. The agency coordinates with the manufacturer or supplier to arrange the inspection date, ensuring that the goods are ready for examination before shipment.

  • Step 2: On-Site Inspection

    During the on-site inspection, inspectors visit the manufacturing or storage facility to examine the goods. They check product quantity, quality, packaging, labeling, and conformity to specifications. The inspection includes visual checks, functional tests, and measurements to ensure that the products meet the agreed-upon standards. Any defects or non-compliance issues are documented during this stage.

  • Step 3: Reporting and Documentation

    After the on-site inspection, the inspectors compile their findings into a detailed report. This report includes information on the inspection process, any detected defects or issues, and whether the products meet the specified requirements. The report is then shared with the buyer, providing them with the necessary information to make informed decisions about accepting or rejecting the shipment. This step ensures transparency and accountability in the inspection process.

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